Sunday, August 19, 2007

Is Third Time the Charm? Our New Home is...

Okay, we think we mean it this time. After send you all to our new address at Wordpress and then discovering that they don't allow advertising (I know, some people research before they act, but what kind of hippie freak nature dude doesn't allow advertising?! It just never occurred to us that it would be a problem!) we have a new home.

This time we were smart. We simply copied CityMama and joined the typepad majority.

Please come visit, comment and laugh at us as we screw up learning a whole new content management system.

See you there!

PS: Yes, Blogger is by far the easiest blogging software to use. They just don't give us enough choices.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Cheap Simpsons's Movie Tie-in

This is the latest marketing gimmick, and I love it! Go upload a picture of yourself and see what you'd look like as a Simpson's character.

With thanks to Nunna Yerbeezwax for sharing the link. Go do it now!

And I love it!

My Cheese, My People

Cheap Girl, our favorite neighborhood artist, reminded us about Cowgirl Creamery's cheese library. As a cheese eater with a library degree, I have a somewhat prurient interest in this library of cheese.

We live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Actually, I take that back: we live in San Francisco. I'll specify so you don't think we live in Tiburon or Pittsburg (shiver).

Finally out here, I feel as if I've found my food people. Every other place I've lived, I have been the most obnoxiously picky food person in town. Here we have cheese counters where you can samples dozens before making a purchase. There's even one (in Berkeley) where you have to queue up and get a ticket.

My favorite cheese is Vermont Shepherd, and I never would have found it had the cheese educator at Cowgirl not given me seven free samples before I found this, the most perfect cheese ever, which is only made from May through October when sheep graze on minty clover.

Heroes: The Super-Gay White Tigers Really Are Gay!

Okay, I'm believing Perez on this one because I can't read German, but it sounds like Siegfried and Roy officially came out of the closet to a German newspaper. Did you even realize they were in? Yes, like certain other public figures (who maybe have the initials JF) who everyone "knows" about, they simply ignored the question. But now they answered it!

Good for them. All of America loves the white tigers. I bet there were a ton of folks in the conservative Midwest who saw the show in Vegas and prayed for Roy's recovery after the tiger attack, even though he and Siegfried are so...colorful.

Maybe now some closed-minded people will have to say, hey, I liked those gay dudes before I knew they were gay, so maybe it's okay to be gay. Or maybe not. It didn't exactly work like that for the beloved Liberace. But it's a start.

I hope the boys are chosen to be the grand marshals for SF Gay Pride this year. We could use a little Vegas on Market Street.

We Watch: In TV Shocker, Bachelor Couple Will Not Marry After All

I, for one, did not see this coming. From People, the sad news that Lame Head Andy and Too Good For This Tessa are taking some time to evaluate their relationship, aka Step 1 in the Squeezing Out Two More Minutes of Fame Through a Gradual Public Break Up dance.

Best line in the People story: they've broken their engagement, but not their bond

That is so gag-me. How gag-me? Every proana site in the world now has this at the top of their thinspirations puking tips.

Also, nice angle on that photo of Tessa's ass, ABC. I'm sure she offers thanks to you daily for making that the show's final publicity shot while she surfs House of Thin and Starving for Perfection.

Tied Up With String

What is it about sending and receiving mail that so intensely satisfying?

I have an excitement about mail more commonly witnessed in seven-year-olds. I can not wait to get home so that I can check my mailbox, despite approaching a ten year history of receiving mostly bills (and Victoria's Secret catalogs, despite the fact that I have never ordered cheap, itchy lingerie from that company). Really, the last spate of interesting mail was my college acceptance letters. And considering where I ended up going, those were none too exciting.

I've never received a letter from anyone I've dated, but I'm holding out for it. Cat sent me a card with a lolcat joke, and that made my week.

I made a few choice purchases last week and mailed them out to friends yesterday, so if I know your address, expect something soon (cue malevolent laugh). Look out for a postcard from my fabulous trip next week, if I can figure out how to navigate the Chinese post office system.

Your Killin' Style

I was chatting with our friend Cheap Girl, and the topic of Colleen came up.

Cheap Girl: I'd take a bullet for her
Me: And she would shoot someone for you

Which got me to thinking. Would I take a bullet for anyone? Maybe. More likely I'd kill, but probably not with a gun.

My preferred fantasy revenge method is drowning. As in, kittens, burlap sack, rope, rocks and a murky, swift moving river. Or, asshole dude, burlap sack, cement, cabin cruiser and the deep dark ocean. The beauty of my method is the potential for variety.

And you?